Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So here's how this thing's gonna work. I'm going to approach a problem that I find in everyday life in as scientific a way as I can. Or, in other words, I'm gonna try to sound fancy as I rant :)

The posts will be broken up into 4 main sections:

1)Problem/Question- where I address the problem at hand
2) Hypothesis- where I do my best to explain why it is happening
3)Experiment/Observations- when I share why it is that I am so bothered by this
4)Results/Response/Conclusions- a sarcastic attempt to bring myself closure

NOTE: Some of these posts may offend some people. I truly do apologize for this, but this is why I'm posting my thoughts here instead of facebook. Read at your own risk/discretion.

Hope you all enjoy! (If not, I know I will)


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